This series of posts will share more information about each paragraph in the summarized version of, A Fisherman's Freedom Philosophy posted on the home page of this website and in the 2022 Natural Art Freedom Calendar. Feel free to make a comment or ask questions. Please be polite.
"We are at a crossroads in human history where freedom could wither away or spread across the globe for all of humanity to enjoy forever. The choice is ours if we will think for ourselves or trust politicians and corporations to think for us. We have the power within us to collectively make our world a wonderful place where freedom flourishes and peace prevails. Please do not let apathy keep you from doing your part to secure the blessings of liberty for us and future generations."
The proverbial crossroads we are at requires us to think beyond party politics and even our own self-interest. While preserving individual liberty is essential to freedom, we must also consider the greater good of all involved. We can find mutually beneficial solutions that enrich and empower everyone when enough people are willing to engage in a little critical thinking. Think about the high price of fuel and resulting inflation we are all facing. We have enough oil and gas in public lands and waters to be energy independent for centuries. We could safely extract this energy to generate new revenue that is paid directly to citizens. This would give us time to expand other energy options without destabilizing the world. We could stabilize our economy and replace many social programs with guaranteed income. Oil and gas are seen by some as inherently bad when they are really nature's way of storing solar energy. These renewable resources should be managed sustainably and used responsibly. Wise use of our public resources is key to preserving peace, prosperity, and the individual liberties that collectively make us free people. Good communication and coordination are necessary to make this a reality. The internet gives us an unprecedented opportunity to communicate and coordinate like never before. We have the power to practice self-governance with official representation and guide our public servants in ways that benefit everyone and our environment. Now is the time to start thinking about which course we want to take. Will we trust politicians and corporations to think for us or will we think for ourselves?
I want to close this discussion by pointing out that I am not claiming to be the smartest person around or have all the answers. I am simply offering some alternative solutions that promote freedom and asking you to consider them. Here are a few examples. Rather than closing traditional fisheries and letting global corporations cage genetically sterilized species in our public waters, we could stock native seafood to live wild and free until harvested by independent fishermen. Rather than subsidizing corporations to exploit public resources, we could manage our resources in ways that enrich and empower the citizens who own them. Rather than electing corporate funded politicians to rule over us, we could use modern technology to elect true public servants that actually do what a supermajority of their constituents wish. Rather than creating a police state to enforce politician's moral agenda on the masses, we could let individuals think for ourselves and do as we wish so long as our actions do no physical or financial harm to others.
"We are at a crossroads in human history where freedom could wither away or spread across the globe for all of humanity to enjoy forever. The choice is ours if we will think for ourselves or trust politicians and corporations to think for us. We have the power within us to collectively make our world a wonderful place where freedom flourishes and peace prevails. Please do not let apathy keep you from doing your part to secure the blessings of liberty for us and future generations."
The proverbial crossroads we are at requires us to think beyond party politics and even our own self-interest. While preserving individual liberty is essential to freedom, we must also consider the greater good of all involved. We can find mutually beneficial solutions that enrich and empower everyone when enough people are willing to engage in a little critical thinking. Think about the high price of fuel and resulting inflation we are all facing. We have enough oil and gas in public lands and waters to be energy independent for centuries. We could safely extract this energy to generate new revenue that is paid directly to citizens. This would give us time to expand other energy options without destabilizing the world. We could stabilize our economy and replace many social programs with guaranteed income. Oil and gas are seen by some as inherently bad when they are really nature's way of storing solar energy. These renewable resources should be managed sustainably and used responsibly. Wise use of our public resources is key to preserving peace, prosperity, and the individual liberties that collectively make us free people. Good communication and coordination are necessary to make this a reality. The internet gives us an unprecedented opportunity to communicate and coordinate like never before. We have the power to practice self-governance with official representation and guide our public servants in ways that benefit everyone and our environment. Now is the time to start thinking about which course we want to take. Will we trust politicians and corporations to think for us or will we think for ourselves?
I want to close this discussion by pointing out that I am not claiming to be the smartest person around or have all the answers. I am simply offering some alternative solutions that promote freedom and asking you to consider them. Here are a few examples. Rather than closing traditional fisheries and letting global corporations cage genetically sterilized species in our public waters, we could stock native seafood to live wild and free until harvested by independent fishermen. Rather than subsidizing corporations to exploit public resources, we could manage our resources in ways that enrich and empower the citizens who own them. Rather than electing corporate funded politicians to rule over us, we could use modern technology to elect true public servants that actually do what a supermajority of their constituents wish. Rather than creating a police state to enforce politician's moral agenda on the masses, we could let individuals think for ourselves and do as we wish so long as our actions do no physical or financial harm to others.